Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Merry Christmas

Some of the cast from our Nativity reinactment
Jaeden (an angel) was in the back doing twirls, Avery was trying to take Baby Jesus out of Mary's arms and the donkey (Uncle Adam) was trying to referee the other actors

The traditional yelling up the chimney to tell Santa Claus what you would like him to bring. It's kind of embarrassing but the kids love it!
Our attempt at a group picture Christmas Eve

Christmas morning
Great Grandma Lois and Jaeden

Mandolyn, Tyler, Adam, Avery and Kellie
Cute kids
Ethan, Jaeden, Addison, Kaitie and Avery
Jaeden and Kaitie both got camera's for Christmas and were taking pictures all day. Jaeden took a total of 325 pictures that day. Jaeden would walk into a room and say "Gather around everyone. Mom, where is your mother at for the picture." Jaeden gave Avery a Hannah Montana microphone that we got to listen to all day. It snowed all day long so we enjoyed our white Christmas.


Christina said...

Too cute! What a fun family! And how cute with the cameras!!

Sparkle Mama said...

What a fun fam you have. I love all the PJ's and the tradition of yelling up the chimney- great idea!