Our little Avery girl turned 1 today! We can't believe how fast this year has gone. She had a fun day today despite the early doctor check-up this morning. (Way to go mom, scheduling shots for your daughter's birthday!) We took Avery and Jaeden to Radijazz for a couple hours to run around and play. They had a great time and were so fun to watch and play with. We ended the day off with cake and presents. Avery went to town on the cake and Jaeden thought it was the funniest thing she ever saw. Happy Birthday Avery!!
Happy 1st Birthday! I can't believe she's already 1!! She's so adorable.
Happy Birthday Avery!! I can't believe she's one. As for the cake she did go to town... but who could pass up such a pretty pink cake!!
This is the craziest thing ever! A whole year has gone by! I think I am living in a cloud, remember when we were pregnant? Anyway... she is the cutest one year old girl we know. I give her props for going to town on the cake, I love it!!!!
Cute blog! Happy B-day Avery :) What cute gals...love Jaeden's new boots too. We will have to get Emma a pair someday because they are too fun!
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