Jaeden asked for a Pumpkin Cheesecake for her family birthday party. I thought that was a unique, but very delicious request.

Avery got her an "Avery" Moxie girl

Dominic gave Jaeden a pedicure set and fingernail polish so we had to bring out the foot soaker and do the whole pedicure thing. We got a little carried away with the bubbles.

We had her birthday party at Texas Jumping Beans (an inflatible world if your not familiar with it)

Pizza and cake. :)

This is Ethan and Rachel. Jaeden and Ethan share the same birthday and therefore feel they are destined to be married. We'll keep you posted on that relationship.

She got a sewing machine from her friend and loves it. We were so excited about all the fun friends that could come and celebrate with us. Thank you so much for your generosity and friendship. Happy 6th Birthday Jaeden!!