Here is my beautiful sister Mary doing a scrap book page

Lori was constantly helping me and letting me borrow things to make my pictures so much prettier

My wonderful husband sent me to Utah to go to a scrapbooking retreat with my mom, Lori, Mary and some cousins. My brother Adam's Mother-in-law came as well and was my non-scraper partner at this big scrapbooking retreat, so glad she was there! We ate way too much, sat in the hot tub, went for walks, and stayed up late talking and watching movies. It was so much fun!

It was Megan's birthday while I was there and Mandolyn's was the next week so we had a little birthday dinner party for the two sister-in-laws. I love them both so much and am so glad they are in our family!

This is at Adam and Megan's house in Provo, it is so cute.

Me and Grandma Lois. She was so kind to put me up for the night before I flew back to Texas. I didn't know that I would be able to see her this trip so it was wonderful to spend some time with her too.

On Monday after the retreat was over, I got to spend the day with Lori and her kids. We went shopping and out to lunch with my parents. Later on we went to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D. Lori's kiddo's were so fun to see this with.

My mom bought them bunny ears for the show. Ethan was really hesitant to wear them after he realized it was a head band.
While I was there my parents got a phone call asking them to finish serving their mission from the call center at the MTC to Nauvoo, IL. I'm so excited for them, they leave in a couple more weeks for 6 months.