Waiting at the restaurant the night before our race for our carb feast.

We had to take a group pose right before we left for our mile walk to get to our race.

Camille and I ran the half marathon this year. The others ran the 10K and did awesome!

There was a record number of 21,000 people

Woo hoo!! I finished the run at 2:02 hrs

Laura waited to see me finish and take pictures.

Me with my way cool medal. It turns out that if you run 5, the points make a Texas Star so I am definetly going to get my Texas Star :)

At the finish line with my goodie bag

Camille and I so glad to be done

After all the running fun we went to get some lunch and then hit the road back to Austin. I had such a blast with all these fun ladies and can't wait to do it again next year.