My mom, Grammie D to the kids sent us a large box before Christmas. There were 12 gifts wrapped with little instructions for each day. The girls absolutely LOVED walking up, getting ready very cooperatively so they could open their present and see what it was for the day. Below are just a few things Grammie D sent them to do. It made our Christmas wonderful with lots of fun things to do together as a family. Some other things I don't have pictures of are game night with cards like Crazy 8's, Old Maid and popcorn to eat. We made cookies one night and on the last night we opened a Gospel Art book all about the Savior. I can't thank you enough Mom for sending this to us, you are amazing!!

Jaeden and Avery making their beautiful sparkly snowflakes

Don't you want to just squeeze and kiss those wonderful cheeks??

Jaeden making her picture collage

The girls made white chocolate peppermint bark, Avery couldn't get enough of it

They got to cut (with my help) and tie all the sides to make this warm, soft blanket to give away to someone who was sick or didn't have a blanket

They decorated this Santa hat and then got to put their face, all greased up with vasaline in a bowl of cotton balls to be like Santa. After they yelled "HO HO Ho" as loud as they could. They had so much fun!

Avery was a little hesitant to do it at first but saw all the fun Jaeden was having so she jumped right in.

Cute Miss Santa

This was the totally fun laser game. We strung up yarn (lasers) all across the room onto everything so they had to get across the room without getting zapped. They did this for hours and still always ask to play it. It's really fun when mom needs to walk across the room over and over. :)