My sisters and dad started planning my mom's surprise party a couple months before the big day. I didn't think I was going to be able to be there but wanted to SO badly. Her party was on a Friday night and my awesome brother Adam (Tyler is too!!) called me Tuesday night with his father-in-law and made this little dream of mine come true by supplying me with a plane ticket. Dominic and I arrived in Utah Thursday night. Tyler and Mandolyn came to pick us up from the airport. Adam wanted me to keep us being in Utah a surprise from the rest of the siblings so that was fun surprising everyone too. In order to keep my presence in Utah a surprise, I was able to spend the whole day on Friday with my absolutely wonderful sister in law Mandolyn. We had the best time shopping and going out to lunch, it was so fun.

My dad told my mom that they were going to go to the stake center and finally get set apart as missionaries so she would be all dressed up for her surprise party. This is when she walked in and saw us. I couldn't help but cry. Just being there meant the world to me.

Aw, I LOVE my family!

Priceless to me. Thank you so much Adam and to your father in law!

me and my little man

Me and my beautiful sister Lori

This is my Uncle Richard and dad. Do my mom and Aunt Julie (her sister) have the same taste in men or what??