For Avery's birthday, she wanted to go to gymnastics. She decided this months before her birthday and asked about it everyday until the day finally came. The girls could hardly wait for the birthday friends to show up.

Their pre-playing stretches

Jaeden is a little monkey. She climbed this rope all the way to the ceiling with no effort.

All the cute friends

Avery had intense concentration and walked the whole way without falling. She did a beautiful little jump off the end too.

This is gymnastics sledding :)

Avery wanted a barbie princess cake. It looks like a Dora Princess. My incredibly awesome friend Rushell came over the day before and put it together and frosted it for me, thank you so much!!

I love the cheeks

The following pictures are from the birthday party we had with Dan's parents and Grandpa George. We were so excited they came up from San Antonio and spent her actual birthday day with us. We had so much fun. Dan's sister Jackie and her family joined us as well for most of the fun. We went to Kiddie Acres for all the fun rides and then off to Gattiland for dinner and more fun and games. We loved it all! Afterwards we headed back to our house for cake and presents.

Such handsome men

I just LOVE her!

The girls were so cute playing with Avery's new doll, brushing her hair together.
Our cute little fairy princess. Oh, and by the way.... Avery and Jaeden both got their ears peirced first thing in the morning. My camera died right when we got to Claire's or I would have posted about that too. Jaeden went first and told Avery it wasn't bad so she got up on the chair and was not a happy girl until the lady put a mirror in her face to show her how beautiful her new earrings were. She was instantly pleased. :)