The dinosaur dig park at the Nature Center at Zilker Park

The Zilker train ride

Avery and Keagan. Keagan was sitting with his new Texas friends in the back.

Giddy-up Avery

Keagan, Kaiden and Camden on the boat ride at Kiddie Acres

A few of the kids were a little nervous to go on the ferris wheel so grandma tells them, "It's ok kids, you'll be in a cage" Very comforting words.

Jaeden ropping the cows

It was such a beautiful day and Mary, mom and the cousins couldn't leave without going to the Arboretum and playing on the cows . I wish I had a picture of Keagan doing his research in the wilderness next to the water fountain.

Our attempt at getting a group picture.
I love the power of just asking. Dan had to go to NJ for a week so I asked Mary if she wanted to come to Texas even though we just saw them 3 weeks ago. So 2 days later Mary, her boys and my mom made the long trek from Utah to Texas. The whole week was dedicated to activities for the kids. We went to Gattiland, the Inflatible World, the Children's Museum, the dinosaur dig park and rode the train at Zilker park, and then Kiddie Acres and playing on the cows. One day my mom was able to squeeze in an hour to see Patriarch and Sister Wright. I had the best time with my cute nephews, Mary and Mom. Thank you so much for coming to see us, I love you!